Jun 14, 2022
Today we're talking with Corinne Schmitt of Wondermom Wannabe about money mindset and teaching financial literacy for children.
We'll delve into a lot of topics, but some of the things you'll hear us discuss are Corinne's scaffolding for teaching financial literacy to children, why it can be hard to teach your kids about investing when you don't feel confident in it yourself, and how to develop an abundance mindset even when you're living in forced poverty.
This is part 1 of a two-part conversation. Be sure to subscribe to Mom Autism Money to join us next week as Corinne teaches us about her proven color-coded organization system for everything from finances to household clutter!
Get $50 when you open an ABLE account with today's sponsor, ABLE United: https://www.ableunited.com/
Visit Wondermom Wannabe: https://wondermomwannabe.com/
Check out Corinne's Books:
-Super Fun Family Card Games: https://amzn.to/3NRiFe2 *
-The Big Book of Tricky Riddles for Kids: https://amzn.to/3xtzIMi *
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Full episode transcript: https://momautismmoney.com/money-mindset-fin-lit
*Affiliate link. Thank you for supporting the podcast!